Xbox One X Enhanced : la liste complète des jeux optimisés
L'anthologie du X

Comme dirait l’autre : mieux vaut tard que jamais ! Voici la liste des jeux optimisés Xbox One X.
Lancée en novembre 2017, la Xbox One X a porté avec elle une avancée technologique notable.
Mais ce n’est pas seulement pour les titres nouveaux et uniquement nés sur Xbox One que les améliorations sont visibles : elles s’appliquent également à certains titres sortis antérieurement à la Xbox One X, dont plusieurs jeux Xbox 360 et Xbox Originale.
Vous trouverez ici la liste de l’ensemble des jeux «Xbox One X Enhanced» disponibles à ce jour. Nous précisons également quels sont ceux compatibles 4K et/ou HDR.
Le tableau sera complété au fil des sorties, n’hésitez pas à nous signaler tout manque ou erreur que vous constateriez.
8 To Glory: The Official Game of the PBR |
4k, HDR |
11-11 Memories Retold | |
A Plague Tail: Innocence |
4K |
A Way Out | |
Aaero |
4K |
Absolver |
4K |
Ace Combat 7: Skies Unknown |
4K, HDR |
Adios Amigos |
4K |
Agents of Mayhem | |
Airheart – Tales of Broken Wings |
4K, HDR |
AlienCruise | |
Alteric |
4K |
Ancestors Legacy |
4K |
Anthem |
4K |
AO Tennis |
4K, HDR |
A Plague Tale: Innocence |
The Artful Escape | |
ARK: Survival Evolved |
Ashen | |
Ashes Cricket |
4K, HDR |
Assassin’s Creed (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Assassin’s Creed 3 Remastered |
4K, HDR |
Assassin’s Creed Odyssey |
4K, HDR |
Assassin’s Creed Origins |
4K, HDR |
Assassin’s Creed Rogue Remastered |
4K |
Assault Android Cactus |
4K |
Astroneer |
4K |
Attack on Titan 2 | |
Away: Journey to the Unexpected | |
Bad North |
4K |
Batman: Arkham Asylum | |
Batman: Arkham City | |
Battle Chasers: Nightwar |
4K |
Battlefield 5 |
4K, HDR |
Battlefield 1 |
4K, HDR |
Battlerite | |
Battlezone Gold Edition |
4K, HDR |
Below |
4K |
Biomutant |
4K |
Black (Xbox) | |
Black Desert Online |
4K, HDR |
Bless Unleashed |
4K, HDR |
Blinx: The Time Sweeper (Xbox) | |
BloodRayne 2 (Xbox) | |
Brawlout | |
Breakdown (Xbox) | |
Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition |
4K |
Burnout Paradise Remastered (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare |
4K |
Call of Duty: WW2 |
4K, HDR |
Call of Duty: Blac Ops 4 |
4K, HDR |
Casey Powell Lacrosse 18 |
4K, HDR |
Candleman |
4K |
Chess Ultra |
4K, HDR |
Cities: Skylines |
4K |
City of Brass |
4K, HDR |
Claws of Furry |
4K, HDR |
Claybook |
4K |
Conan Exiles | |
Conker: Live & Reloaded (Xbox) | |
Construction Simulator 2 | |
Crackdown (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Crackdown 3 |
4K, HDR |
Crayola Scoot |
4K |
The Crew 2 | |
Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy |
4K, HDR |
Crash Team Racing: Nitro-Fueled |
4K, HDR |
Crimson Skies: High Road to Revenge (Xbox) | |
Crossout | |
Danger Zone |
4K |
Danger Zone 2 |
4K |
Dark and Light |
4K |
Dark Souls: Remastered | |
Darksiders (Xbox 360) | |
Darksiders Warmastered Edition |
4K |
Darksiders 2 Deathinitive Edition |
4K |
Darksiders 3 | |
The Darwin Project |
4K, HDR |
Day Z |
4K |
Dead or Alive 6 |
4K, HDR |
Dead Rising 4 |
4K |
Dead to Rights (Xbox) | |
Deep Ones |
4K |
Deep Rock Galactic |
Descenders |
Destiny 2 |
Destroy All Humans! (Xbox) | |
Deus Ex: Mankind Divided |
Devil May Cry 5 |
4K, HDR |
Diablo 3: Reaper of Souls – Ultimate Evil Edition |
4K |
Dirt Rally 2.0 |
4K, HDR |
Dishonored 2 |
4K |
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider |
4K |
Disneyland Adventures |
4K, HDR |
Divinity: Original Sin 2 | |
The Division |
4K |
The Division 2 |
4K, HDR |
Doom | |
Dovetail Games Euro Fishing |
4K |
Dragonball FighterZ | |
Dying Light 2 | |
Dynasty Warriors 9 | |
Earthfall |
4K, HDR |
The Elder Scrolls Online |
4K |
Elea | |
Elex | |
Elite Dangerous |
4K |
Energy Cycle Edge |
4K |
Enigmatis 3: The Shadow of Karkhala |
4K |
Everspace |
4K |
The Evil Within 2 |
4K, HDR |
F1 2017 |
4K, HDR |
F1 2018 |
4K, HDR |
Fable Anniversary (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Fable 2 (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Fable 3 (Xbox 360) | |
Fable Fortune |
4K |
The Fall Part 2: Unbound |
4K |
Fallout 3 (Xbox 360) | |
Fallout 4 |
4K |
Fallout 76 |
4K, HDR |
Far Cry 5 |
4K, HDR |
Far Cry New Dawn |
4K, HDR |
Farming Simulator 17 |
4K |
Fe |
4K |
FIFA 18 |
4K |
Final Fantasy 12: The Zodiac Age | |
Final Fantasy 15 |
4K, HDR |
Firewatch | |
For Honor |
4K |
Forsaken Remastered |
4K |
For the King |
4K |
Fortnite |
4K |
Forza Horizon (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Forza Horizon 3 |
4K, HDR |
Forza Horizon 4 |
4K, HDR |
Forza Motorsport 7 |
4K, HDR |
Fuzion Frenzy (Xbox) | |
Gears of War 2 (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Gears of War 3 (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Gears of War 4 |
4K |
Generation Zero | |
Ghost Recon: Wildlands |
4K, HDR |
The Golf Club 2019 |
4K |
Gorogoa |
4K |
Grabbed by the Ghoulies (Xbox) | |
Grab the Bottle |
4K |
Gravel |
Grip | |
Gridd: Retroenhanced |
4K, HDR |
Grim Legends 4: The Dark City |
4K |
Guacamelee 2 | |
Guilt Battle Arena | |
Halo 3 (Xbox 360) | |
Halo 5: Guardians |
4K, HDR |
Halo: The Master Chief Collection |
Halo Wars 2 |
4K |
Hand of Fate 2 |
4K |
Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice |
4K, HDR |
Hello Neighbor |
4K |
Hitman |
Hitman 2 |
Hitman HD Enhanced Collection |
4K |
Hive Jump |
4K |
Homefront: The Revolution |
4K |
Hover |
4K, HDR |
Human Fall Flat |
4K |
The Hunter: Call of the Wild | |
Hunter: The Reckoning (Xbox) | |
Hyper Sentinel |
4K |
Hyper Universe |
4K, HDR |
Immortal Redneck |
4K |
Immortal: Unchained |
4K |
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing III |
4K |
Injustice 2 |
Insane Robots | |
The Invisible Hours | |
Jade Empire (Xbox) | |
Jagged Alliance: Rage |
4K |
Jettomero: Hero of the Universe |
4K |
Jump Force | |
Jurassic World Evolution |
4K, HDR |
Just Cause 4 |
Killer Instinct |
4K |
Killing Floor 2 | |
Kingdom Come: Deliverance | |
Kingdom Hearts 3 |
4K, HDR |
LA Noire |
4K, HDR |
The Last Night |
4K, HDR |
Lego Harry Potter Collection |
4K |
Life is Strange: Before the Storm |
4K |
Life is Strange 2 | |
The Long Dark | |
Lumines Remastered |
4K |
Madden NFL 18 |
4K, HDR |
Madden NFL 19 |
4K, HDR |
Mafia 3 |
4K, HDR |
Mantis Burn Racing |
4K |
Marble Void |
4K |
Mark of the Ninja Remastered |
4K |
Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite | |
Masters of Anima | |
Mega Man 11 |
4K |
Megaton Rainfall |
4K |
Mercenaries: Playground of Destruction (Xbox) | |
Metal Gear Survive |
Metro Exodus |
4K, HDR |
Metropolis: Lux Obscura |
4K |
La Terre du Milieu : L’Ombre de la Guerre |
4K, HDR |
Minecraft |
4K, HDR |
Mining Rail | |
Minion Masters | |
Mirror’s Edge (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Monster Energy Supercross | |
Monster Hunter: World |
Morphite |
4K |
MotoGP 18 |
Mutant Football League | |
Mutant Year Zero: Road to Eden | |
The Elder Scrolls 3: Morrowind (Xbox) | |
MX Unleashed (Xbox) |
4K |
MX vs ATV All Out |
4K |
My Brother Rabbit |
4K |
NBA 2K18 |
4K, HDR |
NBA Live 18 |
4K |
NBA Live 19 |
4K |
Need for Speed Payback | |
Neon Chrome |
4K |
Neonwall |
4K |
NHL 18 |
4K |
NHL 19 |
4K |
Nier: Automata Become As Gods Edition |
4K, HDR |
Nightmares from the Deep 3: Davy Jones |
4K |
Nine Parchments | |
Ninja Gaiden Black (Xbox) | |
Ninja Gaiden 2 (Xbox 360) | |
No Man’s Sky |
4K, HDR |
North | |
The Elder Scrolls 4: Oblivion (Xbox 360) | |
Observer | |
Okami HD |
4K |
On A Roll 3D |
4K |
One Eyed Kutkh |
4K |
Onrush |
4K, HDR |
Ooblets | |
Operencia: The Stolen Sun | |
Ori and the Will of the Wisps |
4K, HDR |
Outbreak The Nightmare Chronicles |
4K |
Outlast 2 |
4K |
Override: Mech City Brawl | |
Overkill’s The Walking Dead |
4K |
Overwatch |
4K |
Paladins |
4K |
Panzer Dragoon Orta (Xbox) |
4K |
Panzer Elite Action: Fields of Glory (Xbox) | |
Party Arcade |
4K |
Party Jousting |
4K |
Path of Exile |
4K |
PixARK | |
Planet Alpha |
4K |
Planet Rix-13 |
4K |
PlayerUunknown’s Battlegrounds |
4K, HDR |
Portal 2 (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Portal Knights |
4K |
Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Xbox) | |
Pure Chess | |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2018 | |
Pro Evolution Soccer 2019 |
4K, HDR |
Project Cars 2 |
Psychonauts (Xbox) | |
Q.U.B.E. 2 |
4K |
Quantum Break | |
Raiders of the Broken Planet |
4K, HDR |
Railway Empire |
4K, HDR |
Rainbox Six Siege | |
Rage 2 | |
Real Farm | |
ReCore: Definitive Edition |
Red Dead Redemption (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Red Faction 2 (Xbox) | |
Red Faction Guerilla Re-Mars-terd | |
Redout: Lightspeed Edition |
4K |
Refunct |
4K |
Remothered: Tormented Fathers |
4K, HDR |
Resident Evil 2 |
4K, HDR |
Resident Evil 7: Biohazard |
4K, HDR |
Ride 3 |
Rime |
4K, HDR |
Rise of the Tomb Raider |
4K, HDR |
Riverbond | |
Robocraft Infinity |
4K |
Roblox | |
Rocket League |
4K, HDR |
Rugby 18 | |
Rush: A Disney Pixar Adventure |
4K, HDR |
Sea of Thieves |
4K, HDR |
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice |
Session | |
Shadow of the Tomb Raider |
4K, HDR |
Sid Meier’s Pirates! (Xbox 360) | |
Sigi – A Fart for Melusina |
4K |
The Sims 4 | |
Sinner: Sacrifice for Redemption | |
Skate 3 (Xbox 360) | |
Skyrim: Special Edition |
4K, HDR |
Slime Rancher |
4K |
Smite | |
Snake Pass |
4K, HDR |
Sniper Elite V2 Remastered |
4K, HDR |
SNK 40th Anniversary Collection |
4K |
Sonic Forces |
4K |
Sonic Generations (Xbox 360) | |
Sonic Mania |
4K |
Space Hulk: Tactics | |
The Spectrum Retreat | |
Spike Volleyball |
4K |
Spyro Reignited Trilogy | |
Spintires: MudRunner |
4K |
Spiral Splatter |
4K |
Splinter Cell Double Agent (Xbox 360) |
4K |
Splinter Cell Conviction (Xbox 360) | |
Splinter Cell Blacklist (Xbox 360) |
4K |
SSX 3 (Xbox 360) | |
Starpoint Gemini Warlords |
4K |
Star Wars Battlefront 2 | |
Star Wars Battlefront 2 (Xbox) | |
Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy (Xbox) | |
Star Wars Jedi Starfighter (Xbox) | |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (Xbox) | |
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 2: The Sith Lords (Xbox) | |
Star Wars Republic Commando (Xbox) | |
Star Wars The Force Unleashed (Xbox) | |
State of Decay 2 |
4K, HDR |
Steep | |
Strange Brigade |
4K, HDR |
Sudden Strike 4 |
4K |
Super Lucky’s Tale |
4K |
Super Mega Baseball 2 | |
Super Night Riders |
4K |
Superhot |
4K |
The Surge |
4K, HDR |
Surviving Mars | |
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet | |
Tacoma |
4K |
Tales of Vesperia – Definitive Edition | |
The Talos Principle |
4K |
Tempest 4000 |
4K |
Tennis World Tour |
4K |
Tesla vs Lovecraft |
4K |
This is the Police 2 |
4K |
Thumper |
4K |
Titan Quest |
4K |
Titanfall 2 |
4K |
Train Sim World | |
Transcripted |
4K |
TT Isle of Man: Ride on the Edge | |
UFC 3 | |
Unruly Heroes |
4K, HDR |
Valkyria Chronicles 4 | |
Vampyr | |
The Vanishing of Ethan Carter |
4K |
Velocity G | |
Vicious Attack Llama Apocalypse |
4K |
Vigor | |
The Walking Dead: The Final Season |
4K, HDR |
Warface | |
Warframe | |
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Martyr | |
Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide |
4K |
Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide 2 |
4K |
Warriors Orochi 4 |
4K |
War Thunder |
4K |
We Happy Few |
4K |
Where Are My Friends? |
4K |
The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings (Xbox 360) | |
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |
4K |
Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus |
4K |
World of Tanks |
4K, HDR |
World of Warships: Legends |
World War Z |
4K |
WRC 7 FIA World Rally Champion |
4K |
WWE 2K18 | |
WWE 2K19 | |
XCOM 2 | |
X-Morph: Defense | |
Zoo Tycoon: Ultimate Animal Collection |
4K, HDR |